A data portrait of smallholder farmers | FAO

The Smallholder Farmers' Dataportrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world. It can generate an image on how small family farmers in both emerging and developing countries live their lives. It is about putting in numbers, the constraints they face, and the choices they ...

Smallders | For innovative agricultural technologies

1 Advanced operational scenario. 2 Web-App and Mobile App technologies, Artificial Intelligence, new Business Models, Blockchain technology, Multi-Capitals Sustainability and Simulation. 3 Conceptualize an architecture where the different segments responds. 4 Develop an ICT platform prototype "the SMALLDERS platform".

Investigating the links between management practices and economic ...

Dec 1, 2021Smallholders' family labor and hired workers together worked in total around 30 days yr −1 for 1 ha of oil palm. Thus, smallholders earned on average 564,000 IDR day −1 ha −1 (eq. 34 € day −1 ha −1 in 2020). Table 3. Overview of the results obtained on the indicators on economic performances for the 73 studied plots. Variable Revenues GrossMargin ReturnToLabor CostHerbi CostFerti ...

Access to finance for smallholder farmers | FAO

Learning from the experiences of microfinance institutions in Latin America. The percentage of smallholders with access to finance is equally difficult to quantify. According to estimates, even promising approaches to expanding smallholder lending, such as value chain finance, are reaching fewer than 10 percent of smallholders, primarily those ...

Smallholder Empowerment Initiatives - Wilmar International

These smallholders are supplying to five Biocosta mills located in the northern zone of Colombia. A total of 440 smallholders, owning a total area of 9,300 hectares, are expected to benefit from this 2-year programme. Besides capacity building on sustainability topics, WISSCo2 assists the smallholders in identifying gaps with certification standards compliance, and create technical knowledge ...

4 Challenges Facing Smallholder Farmers in Kenya - endPoverty

Sep 14, 2021Smallholders have not been reached by the informal or formal financial sector due to hard-to-reach locations or perceived levels of risk. Smallholders cannot service debt due to high interest rates. These rates often have Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) above 50%. The vast majority of smallholder farmers in Kenya therefore cannot access loans to grow their family farms and improve their ...

Making Markets Work for Smallholder Farmers - Farm Africa

But while this sounds like a simple solution, it can be very difficult for smallholder farmers to access high value markets. As smallholders generally only farm around two acres or less, they cannot produce the large volumes that big buyers need. And most farmers live in small villages, where the roads are impassable and transportation is ...

What is a Smallholder Farmer - Farming Portal

Smallholder farmers are also defined as those farmers owning small-based plots of land on which they grow subsistence crops and one or two cash crops relying almost exclusively on family labour. In South Africa, there are approximately two million smallholder or farmers compared to 35 000 commercial growers.

Smallholder Farmers Agricultural Commercialization in Ethiopia: A ...

The agricultural production sector is a backbone of the Ethiopian economy. In Ethiopia 95% of the total area is cultivated by smallholder farmers and contribute 90% of the total agricultural output. As reviewed from different literatures demographic characteristics, resource endowments, social, cultural, infrastructural, institutional and economic factors influence the ...

Empowering smallholder farmers | Unilever

That's why we need to include smallholders in our efforts to promote regenerative farming, protect biodiversity and ensure a deforestation-free supply chain by 2023. Smallholders are stewards of the land, soil and forests. Integrating smallholders into the value chain is critical to sustainable land use and in protecting forests and biodiversity.

Smallholder Programmes - Wilmar International

Wilmar has scheme smallholder and independent smallholder programmes, which is offered to smallholders based on whether or not a smallholder is defined as part of a scheme or is independent. Wilmar defines scheme smallholders as those smallholders that have existing development credit agreements with Wilmar. This categorization may differ from the reporting definitions set by RSPO ACOP which ...

Including smallholders in EU action to protect and restore the ... - Fern

Sep 21, 2021Increase smallholders' access to affordable financing and loans to invest in sustainable production. Strengthen smallholders' tenure rights. Facilitate a process between stakeholders to develop pricing models that enable farmers to earn a living income and produce sustainable deforestation-free goods. The EU will not need to water-down ambition of their regulatory proposal to ensure ...

Smallholder Farmers | WIEGO

The term "smallholders" includes small farmers who own/control the land they farm and those who do not. Often, the term "outgrower" is used to refer to a smallholder who is in a dependent, managed relationship with an exporter. There are a number of characteristics common to smallholders, whether or not they control the land they farm ...

Is Kenya planning to kill smallholder farming? - The Exchange

The ASTGS prioritizes three anchors to drive the 10-year transformation, with specific targets set for the first five years. The first anchor seeks to increase small-scale farmer, pastoralist and fisherfolk incomes by raising the average annual small-scale farmer incomes by 40 per cent from KES 465/day to 625/day which is a 35 per cent increase.

Grants are available for smallholders | South West Farmer

Farmers are defined as anyone raising or growing agricultural products so this includes smallholders, even if they don't sell their produce. 'Active' land may be arable, permanent grassland or permanent crops such as short-rotation coppice, but not established woodland or hard surfacing (farm buildings etc).